Our terms and condition

Please read carefully before purchasing our services.

all the price that mentioned below are EXC BTW.

In this document,

the terms “iwebground” refer to iwebground with Chamber of Commerce number: 78596351 web designing, online advertising activeit-74101 commuicatie- en grafisch ontwerp.

The terms “you” and “your” or he/she refer to you, our customer, or anyone who uses our services.

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) apply to the use of iWebground website, mobile application, products and services. Please read these Terms carefully and contact us if you have any questions.

iWebGround (hereinafter iWebground) is registered in the Chamber of Commerce in Netherlands.

The original version of these conditions is made in Dutch. Other language versions of these terms are made for your convenience only. In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy, the Dutch version will prevail.

These conditions are effective from the date you first use and / or register the iWebGround website. The conditions may change from time to time.

These terms and your agreement to the use of our services are valid until further notice.

If you don’t understand any part of this terms you can ask us to provide you a copy of terms in: Dutch or Arabic or Persian.

General Terms

1-iwebground will start designing the website for the customer only if:

1-1- Customer accept the price via klarna . (in this case customer will not pay until the website / webshop are finished and online and then customer has 14 days to pay. for more information click here.)

1-2- if for any reason klarna  reject or not approved the customer, in this case Customer has to pay quart of the price before designing and the rest after finishing the design.

1-3- if the customer located in Netherlands and has company also in Netherlands and he/she able to provide us with KVK, in this case he/she can pay all the amount when the website designing are finish.

1-3-1- if the customer located in Netherlands but does not own company in netherlands or not able to provide us with KVK in this case he/she can use terms #1-2.

1-4- web designing takes 7-10 days. This is only if the customer has been provide iwebground with all the content and the pictures. If not, the designing can take more longer.

1-5- if the customer ask iwebground to design the website on his/her hosting, read #17-3.

1-6- By web-designing iwebground means : designing the website page ( text with pictures ) and adding social media links in website, with creating business email. not any extra functionality such as creating booking page or photo gallery or any other web functionality that didn’t mentioned in plan. For extra functionality iwebground charge extra amount.

2- The customer has to provide iwebground with content ( text and pictures ) that needed to be used for website. in web-designing iwebground use some photo from iwebground gallery or non-copyrighted images, and the customer are allow to accept or reject iwebground photos.

3- For reasons related to copyright and understand what the customer asking for, The content (#2) ( Text ) need to be digital as digital text and not writing on paper or recorded on video or captured by screenshot And need to be in language of needed.

3-1- iWebGround has the right to refuses using any text or image or any thing else that was sent by the customer to iWebGround that contains a copyright problem.

4- Customer take the responsibility of Quality and copyright of his/her own pictures that sent to iwebground to use in customer website.

5- iWebGround provide weekly “frontend-update” in each plan for free (only for first year) after first year customer can choose the number of “frontend-update” when he/she renew the domain and hosting.

5-1- if the customer want to update front-end more than this it will cost 20 euro ( excl BTW ) per page or update.

5-2 – adding new functionality to customer website, iwebground will charge the customer based of upgrade or based on what kind of changing.

6- If the customer want to transfer his/her domain from our server to another one its possible only if he/she paid the whole amount of the web-designing price, if customer paid all the amount of web-designing customer are allow to moving his/her domain name to another server.

6-1- Our server support only secure SSH to transfer database of website from our server to another, no file will be provided by transfiring. not for content not for database, reason is we use maria db encrypted with InnoDB storage.

7- After iwebground finished the designing, customer has 14 days to asking for change, if 14 days are finished or customer gave (ok) to going online and customer accept the web-designing from this moment the update and changing will count (#5).

7-1- in each packet of designing there limited of number of pages and categories if customer wants to have more than what it says in packet extra cost will be added.

7-2- logo designing are not including with web-designing, iwebground can provide customer with some basic logos for free, this logos are not custom logos, there is no obligation for customer to accept iwebground logos, iwebground will provide the customer with 5 free logos only after he paid the price for web-designing or first installment monthly payment. customer are allow to send iwebground his/her own logo to use for his/her website.

7-3- iwebground will send pre-design website and webshop as photos to customer before start designing. customer has to choose one of the pre-design website or web-shops photos, after that iwebground will design customer website/webshop exactly same as pre-design photo that customer selected. in this case iwebground will change the pre-design photos and text with customer photos and text. therefore if after designing customer will cancel the agreement he/she has to pay half the price of designing.

7-4- adding new section that not including in pre-design will cost extra money. depend on what kind of adding cost can be different.

7-5- if the customer want to have his/her own design and not iwebground pre-design, customer need to draw his own design only in power point or even on paper (A4) and sending it to iwebground or it can also be as link referring to another website, in this case the starting price will be 750 euros, and depending on the type of design, the price will vary.

7-6- customer need to be really clear about designing, if the customer wants to change whole design, after iwebground finished the design there will be an additional cost for new design.

7-7- Each offer that has been sent to customer are valid only for 30 days from the day of sending.

Renew Domain and Hosting Packet

8- price for yearly renew which is ( domain and hosting cost’s and update ) are depand of design package start from 35 euro.

9- customer will get 2 email before yearly renew, 45 days before ending the date of expiry domain and 15 days before, if for any reason customer didn’t pay the renew amount, all his/her data such as website design, emails, data and files will be automatically removed by server, in this case iwebground are not responsible for losing the data of customer. 

9-1- if the customer paid after yearly renew date, customer will be refunded within 7 days.

10- if customer decide to renew the domain name after the expiration date redemption fee will be added as 135 euro + yearly renew costs. in this case the website with emails will recovered however this is possible only in first 7 days. after 7 days the E-mails can not be recovered.


10-1- if the customer decide to keep the domain name only (without hosting or web design) after yearly renew date, it can cost up to 50 euro.

Webshop Terms

11- iWebGround will provide the customer for his/her webshop the username and password of shop moderator with control panel to add/remove products. Also iWebGround will provide customer with video clip about how to add/remove/edit products in webshop. In this way customer can put his/her own product in webshop.

11-1- if for any reason customer asked iWebGround to put his/her products in webshop customer need to send the products as it said in #11-2. iwebground will charge a customer 2 euro for each product.

11-2- customer need to be really clear about his/her product, one product has to be in one file (pdf pr word) or in one email, each PDF or email need to has (name – price – description – pictures – category) this is only way that iwebground work with. if customer will not follow this instruction iwebground allow to reject the product(s).

11-3- iwebground will not charge extra for one payment getway in webshop plan, if for any reason payment gateway reject customer website, first iwebground will see what was the reason and second iwebground trying to fix this reason if the reason has to do with web designing, but iwebground not taking any responsibility of accepting or been rejected by payment getaway.

11-4- – iwebground will set-up one payment method for webshop for free and customer can choose what kind of payment method he/she wants, if the customer wants more payment method for his/her webshop iwebground will charge 50 euro for any new payment method.

11-5- iDeal payment for NL or local payment system for each country or even paypal cost fee, iwebground will not having any fee or part or spilt from this fee’s .

11-6- if customer wants more category than what is in the plan, than iwebground charge 2 euro for extra category.

11-7-  iwebground will set-up only one method of shipping, more than one method will cost 50 euro.

Multi Language

12- To adding second language in website/webshop iWebGround used 2 methods which customer can choose.

a- Using google translate methods ( 25 euro for any languages – one time ). This is automatic translation.

b- Using redesigning method in second language. costs can be different depend on how many pages.

iWebGround Terms

14- iWebGround place a link to iwebground.com link as signature of iWebGround designing in the all (plans), and this link will be at the bottom of the site as small size and it will be only ( Design By iWebGround) this link will stay for 1 year in customer website, after 1 year link can be removed for free but only by requesting from the customer without the request link will stay. If for any reason the customer don’t want to have iWebGround link in his/her website iWebGround will remove the link and will ask for the regular price of the plans. 

14-1 – if for any reason and somehow the customer removed iWebGround link from his/her website/webshop without our permission and without paying the regular price , iWebGround keep the right to suspend the customer website, to reopen the website without iWebGround link customer has to pay the regular price of his/her plans in this case iWebGround link will be removed from his/her website. by reopen the website and keeping iWebGround link in website customer has to pay 50 euro as penalty and staying with actie price this means iWebGround link will stay in website.

14-2 to remove iWebGround link customer first must send request or must have two things:

One : official permission from iWebGround.

Two : proving that customer paid for regular price.

15-the customer will receive from iwebground below by any plans:

  • username and password of control panel to change the content of webshop / website. we don’t provide any other control panel.
  • business email : info@yourdomain.nl ( usename + password + login link).
  • we do not provide FTP or SSH or host or any other kind of shell account.
  • Our system does not support any other control panel like: cpanel or directadmin or domain control panel or host control panel and this is because we are not hosting company. 

16- if the customer asked for back-end user, customer need to fill the electronic signature to prove that he/she asked for back-end username and password after that iwebground will provide him/her with username and password. if this is the case the free update plan will be canceled this means if customer need anything to be changed in website customer should to do that by him/her self, if customer need iWebGround help in this case customer will be charged for services, the reason is that we are not working with third party back-end user in any website. there is no rollback for this option . Any licensed product in design are valid only in our server, this means if customer decide to move the design to another server the product with licensed will become invalid. 

16-0-1- There is no options called (plugins and setting) in dashboard of websites that has been made by wordpress even not in back-end user account. reason is we do not use whole wordpress, we use only the main core of the wordpress and not wordpress itself.

16-1- iWebGround will not taking any responsibility if the customer damage the design or removing part of website or web-design or coding or changing the frontpage by using any account. It com’s extra amount for fixing this issue. most of the time the price of fixing this damage is half the price of whole amount of website that customer paid to iWebGround. 

16-2- as long that customer receiving the (admin/shop manager)  username and password for his/her own website its customer responsibility to taking backup from his/her website. iwebground will not taking backup of customer website.

17- iwebground providing weekly backup services ( every Sunday at 12:00) and the cost for back-up are 25 euro for each week. this service can be requested by customer.

17-1- after first payment ( for any services) iwebground will send automatically to the customer a user name and password based on customer name and email. customer can use this username and password to log-in in iwebground website. by going to dashboard-> order – to see all the payment that customer has been paid to iwebground for services.

17-2- extra cost such as extra product or update or adding new functionality to customer website or buying advertising services or mobile app or any other extra cost that are not included in web design plan, can not been paid in instalment way. customer need to pay this extra cost first and then iwebground will take action.

17-3- iWebGround not designing website which is not hosted by iWebGround. This means that we refuse to design a website on a hosting other than ours, The reason is the limitations of other hostings.

17-4- We don’t provide domain pointing via Nameserver or DNS Records – we don’t host only domain or only hosting. reason is we are not hosting company.

Instalment Payment

Installment by monthly invoice:

18- in the Installments monthly plans iwebground send monthly bill to the customers email, customer has one week to pay from the date of receiving the bill.

18-1- if the customer located in Netherlands and did not paid “instalments monthly bill“ in two weeks iwebground as warning will send customer warning email with 3 days’ time to pay. if the customer didn’t pay after 3 days article #18-7 will apply to the customer and the installments will be cancelled. this means the customer has to pay the rest of the instalment at once. iWebGround will send only two time warning emails, if the customer delay for third time iWebGround will suspend the website, to reopen customer need to pay the monthly instalment and 10 euro administration cost. 

18-2- If customer located outside of Netherlands and did not paid “instalments monthly bill“ in one week iwebground as warning will send customer warning email with 3 days time to pay. if the customer didn’t pay after 3 days article #18-8 will apply to the customer and the installments will be cancelled. this means the customer has to pay the rest of the instalment at once.

18-3 – in instalment payment the domain name and hosting will not officially transferred to customer name, iwebground will stay as official owner of customer domain name until the customer paid all the instalment, after that iwebground will transfer the domain name to customer official name.

18-4 – in the instalment payment method, 35 euro will be added to the plans price. we are providing MAX 10 month of instalment. 

18-5 – if the customer didn’t paid Instalments a monthly bill for 3 month’s, iwebground keeping the right to remove the customer host + business email from the iwebground server in this case iwebground are not responsible for losing data in web space and in business email of customer.

18-6- Without finishing the Installments monthly plan iwebground are not providing customer with transfer code. after transferring iwebground will not refund the customer for how many month’s or days left.

18-7- If customer located in Netherlands and do not pay for iwebground services or after designing or instalment amount on time by the due date, iwebground will use debt collection agencies ( incassobureau ) to recover customer outstanding balance. Additionally, customer will considering as non-trusted customer by iwebground therefore our collaborate with non-trusted customer will be as pre-paid services, this means if non-trusted customer wants to use iwebground service first customer need to pay and than services will take places.

18-8- If customer located outside of Netherlands and do not pay for iwebground services or after designing amount or instalment on time by the due date iwebground will give the customer 14 days extra to pay, if the payment don’t take place iwebground will suspend the customer website until customer pays the payment, for re-opening customer need to pay the amount and administration fee. Additionally, customer will considering as non-trusted customer by iwebground therefore no future collaborate will take place between iwebground and customer.

Installment by monthly direct debit via Mollie:

18-9- iWebGround provide MAX 10 month of installment for direct debt installment. for this iWebGround use NL08ZZZ502057730000 and NL35DEUT7029560465 as collector ID.

18-9-1- iWebGround will directly debt the bank account of customer after 30 days of starting the plan. If a direct debit transaction fails or if a consumer cancels the transaction or return the transection (chargeback), the consumer’s bank or mollie  will charge iWebGround amount between €15 – €25 . iWebGround will charge customer  €35 with administrations. 

18-9-2- if the the transaction fails for:

A- There is not enough money in the account.

B- Customer canceled the transaction.

C- Customer chargebacked the transaction. (Return booking).

iWebGround will give the customer 14 days to pay the Installment amount + 35 euro. If the cost is not paid within 14 days, the agreement regarding payment in the form of monthly installments will be canceled and the customer will be notified via email, WhatsApp message, or text message.

iWebGround will notify a customer two days before the debt day via email about monthly instalment amount.

18-9-3- if you are in monthly instalment direct debt by us don’t reverse or chargeback the transection that comes from our collector ID. if you do so a amount of €35 will be added to monthly installment amount as chargeback fee.

Installment by monthly Paypal direct debt:

18-9-4- iWebGround provide MAX 10 month of installment for Monthly direct debt installment via paypal. for this iWebGround use iweb as collector ID.

18-9-4- iWebGround will directly debt the paypal account of customer in beginning of each month (first day of cycle month). If a paypal direct debit transaction fails or if a consumer cancels or refund the transaction, the website will be directly suspended till customer pays the installment, The extra costs  (10 euro as administration cost ) are charged on top of the normal monthly installment of the month. 

18-9-5- if the customer didn’t paid the monthly instalment via paypal in time article #18-7 or 18-8 will apply to customer (based on customer location). in this case customer will marked as non-trusted customer.

Non-trusted Customer

19-if the customer considered as non-trusted customer and iwebground recovered customer outstanding balance via debt collection agencies (incassobureau) in this case iwebground will keep the customer hosting only for years that he/she paid. after that iwebground will decide if wants to continue hosting this customer or not, if not customer need to transfer his/her website/domain name from iwebground server.

19-1- if iwebground decided to not host non-trusted customer for next year, customer will get 3 warning before end of hosting plan, first warning 45 days before end of hosting plan, second warning 30 days before end of hosting plan, third warning 15 days before end of hosting plan. this means customer has 45 days to move ( transfer ) his/her website to another server.

19-2- if iwebground decided to not host non-trusted customer for next year and customer received 3 warning to transfer his/her website but customer did not transferred the website/domain name in this case iwebground kept the right to remove the customer website from the server.

19-3- The payment can take place only from the link the iWebGround will send to customer. if for any reason customer can not pay with link he/she need to contact iWebGround and explain the problem with in 3 days  than the bank account of iWebGround company will provided to customer so customer can transfer the money directly to iWebGround Bank account.


20- if the customer purchased domain name from iwebground website and wants to use email without web designing in this case customer need to pay for Email services ( renew Domain ) before using the email(s).

21- The domain name that has been purchased by customer from iwebground website cannot be refunded if the customer no longer wants to have it.

22- After the initial registration of a domain, the domain can be transferred to another registrar after a waiting period of 120 days. 

last update 01-08-2020

iWebGround kept the right to update the condition based on new situation.